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The Ongoing Story

About us

Much of our story started back in 2008 when our founder J. P. Sal (aka João Pedro Salgueiro) was spending days and nights in a lab of the university while making research and writing his master thesis in the field of LED lighting and wireless controls – a very new technology at the time that was expensive but that promised incredible energy savings. His dream was to go out there and make lights and sell them but end up making software following his specialization in Automation after graduating in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 

However, the energy efficiency subject was in his mind and in 2010 he joined Engie – the world leader in energy services. There he had the opportunity to work directly with the engineers and field technicians that were responsible for the improvements and maintenance of the installations including lighting, HVAC, etc.


In 2014 and out of the blue he got a call from Philips (now Signify) – the biggest lighting company in the world to join the LED Systems and Electronics group in the global headquarters in Europe that was releasing the best-in-class LED drivers and LED modules. While working as application engineer, he got the challenge to create a team an build from scratch what is today the Easy Design-in Tool that was a game changer because enabled lighting manufacturers (OEMs) to fully simulate the performance of the LED modules and LED drivers over the web in the cloud (that was a new thing back then when it launched) while providing instructions about which components to select and how to wire and program them. Apart from delighting the customers it was awarded in the global finals of the company excellence competition.

Then it was time to conquer the Americas so in 2016 he crossed the ocean and joined the team of Advance that invented the SimpleSet (NFC programming of LED drivers) and was then launching the EasySense sensor that democratized wireless lighting controls and that made the EvoKit retrofit kit - leader in the field of retrofit of conventional to LED while being the company's most successful wireless connected product of its category and that created the inroads for the Interact IoT platform. In 2021 he became responsible to coordinate the LED Electronics business in the US Professional channel including the EvoKit, LED drivers and LED modules.


Fast forward to 2023: - A boom of requests in the market from technicians asking how to fix LED luminaires and so he founded LEDinfi to solve that problem by putting two decades of learning and experience together with technologies of automation of knowledge work and AI (artificial intelligence) to boost the competences of the lighting maintenance technicians on demand and to contribute to a more sustainable world based on a circular economy.


LEDinfi = LED + infinite = infinite light


Support servicing 1 million LED luminaires per month


World n.1 company for LED lighting services support

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